Is banning firearms unconstitutional?

McDonald v. City of Chicago

Is banning firearms unconstitutional?

Since the beginning of the writing of the constitution, the question of the whether or not the right to firearms could be taken away. Otis McDonald in the case of McDonald v. City of Chicago argued that the states could not infringe on the right to firearms, the right to the Second Amendment to be specific. While war and invasion are no longer a daily worry, guns offer protection against common crime and dangerous situations, such as burglaries, robberies, or various other crimes. Many have different views on how strict the gun policies, whether it be a ban on open and concealed carrying or a ban on guns all together.

What is the Second Amendment?

The Second Amendment was originally introduced to reduce chances of tyranny and unfair rulership, giving the citizens more rights. It also allowed farmers to now hunt for their food, further increasing the economy for farmers, but the main goal in the first stages was to provide protection against domestic threats. When the constitution was created, the country was new and underdeveloped, and the Second Amendment gave citizens from any foreign or domestic invasion. 

As time has passed, many citizens believe the Second Amendment to be more "pointless," believing that changes should be made. As school shootings and much more gun violence continues, the question of whether the United States should strengthen their gun policy is brought up more frequently.

Can the Constitution be Changed?

Believe it or not, the Constitution has been changed. In fact, the constitution can not only be changed through the amendment process, but also several other ways. According to ThoughtCo., five ways the Constitution can be changed without the amendment process are through legislation enacted by Congress, actions of the President of the United States, decisions of the federal courts, activities of the political parties, and the application of custom. So as you can see, the constitution can indeed be changed, and while many consider the Second Amendment a fundamental right to the citizens of the United States, this could possibly be changed. While a change is not guaranteed, nor does it have a high probability of happening soon, it is possible.

Views on Gun Control

While most views are either for or against gun control, there are many intersections between the two "sides." There are also many who believe that the gun control should some stay where it is now, rather than strengthening or loosening gun control policies. Those who believe we should strengthen gun policy may have different beliefs on whether guns should be banned altogether. Many democrats, such as Otis McDonald, believe that guns should not be banned altogether, but instead strengthen policies. Some others believe that guns should be banned altogether, and others believe the policies should become more lenient, making owning a firearm easier a United States citizen.

No matter your belief of gun control, it is important to understand the points of all sides. It is important to reason and understand others before immediately jumping onto one side. It is also important to know the facts of the situation and all viewpoints. 


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